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Pet Care & AdoptionWith a $25.00 or more donation the Saint Francis Pet Foundation will send you a booklet on proper pet care, which includes a list of shelters, adoption agencies and guidelines enabling you to adopt a pet. Donations can be made to the following address: Saint Francis Pet Foundation DONATIONS made to this cause will help prevent thousands of unfortunate animals abandoned, abused or orphaned which are put to death each year in the United States Needlessly.
![]() POCKET PET CARE - HAMSTER ![]() SMALL ANIMAL PET CARE Small animals provide endless hours of fun. Their care is important and click below for some useful information on proper small pet care. - RABBIT ![]() AS A KIND REFERRAL - THE SAINT FRANCIS GROUP OFFERS EUTHANASIA SERVICES For many of us, pets are family members. Our animals look to us to make the tough decisions for them when they are suffering due to aging or illness. There are often few options. We can aggressively treat pets using standard medical procedures, but sometimes pain management and euthanasia are the only options. For many, grief begins before the loss of a beloved pet. It begins the day you realize that your pet is approaching the end of it’s life, even though the final loss of that pet may still be many months ahead. This stage of grief is especially difficult because it is without closure. You can’t make an effort to “get over it” or “feel better” because the loss itself has not occurred. Yet, no matter how bad you feel you know that things are just going to get worse. Euthanasia literally means a “gentle death”. The procedure is an intravenous injection of a barbiturate overdose (an anesthetic agent). The passing of the pet occurs within seconds after the administration of the solution. COMMON MISPERCEPTIONS ABOUT EUTHANASIAOne of the most common sources of guilt is the belief that one has euthanized a pet “too soon” or for “selfish” reasons. The person who worries most about not having “done enough” is often a person who has already gone to superhuman efforts to care for their pet. Some pet owners reject euthanasia as they feel it is “unnatural.” Nature, some say, has a timetable for every life and by artificially ending a life, we’re disrupting nature’s plan. This belief overlooks the fact that by providing treatment, surgery, medication, or any other form of care for a sick or injured pet, we are already extending that pet’s life far beyond what would occur if matters were left in the not-so-tender hands of “nature.” Euthanasia is often not so much a question of “artificially ending” a life, but determining when to cease artificially extending it. Many of us have heard of pets that allegedly offered some indication of acceptance of death, of being “ready to move on.” Such a “signal” would remove the dreadful burden of having to make that decision on our own. Unfortunately for most that signal never comes. PLAN AHEADWill you be there? Deciding to be with your pet during the euthanasia procedure is an individual decision. Many pet guardians want to hold, comfort and talk to their pet during the procedure. For some, being present at the time of death provides closure. It is an opportunity to say good-bye to the pet and to be involved in the final moments of the pet’s life. Doubts or questions about the death of the pet are eliminated when a guardian is present at the time of euthanasia. Many people feel it is important to be present during euthanasia while others may find it too difficult. The right decision is the one that feels most comfortable for you and your family. What will you do next? The worst time to decide what to do with your pet’s remains is at the last minute. It’s far better to begin discussing options weeks in advance. Even the guardian of a perfectly healthy pet can begin considering the answer to this question at any time. If you want to make special funeral or private cremation arrangements or want a particular type of urn or casket, advance preparation is helpful. ![]()
Moon Run Ranch - Old Snowmass, CO. Moon Run Ranch is nestled in the pristine Old Snowmass Creek Valley in the heart of the beautiful Rocky Mountains . It is owned and operated by Holly Fuller McClain, a prominent horsewoman who has trained and shown world champion and Honor Role Quarter horses as well as AHSA-US Equestrian 1st Year Green Working Hunter Horse of the Year. Because of her classical training in both Western and English disciplines, she brings a unique knowledge to her Out-West boarding facility. Moon Run Ranch is a refuge for both people and horses. Every animal is personally cared for holistically, preserving and nurturing their physical, emotional, and mental well being. Moon Run Ranch offers continuing education clinics, featuring masters from all disciplines such as natural horsemanship, centered riding, Dressage, jumping, cow working, new techniques in farrier-shoeing, chiropractic, and animal communication. The trail riding around the ranch is another wonderful way for horse and rider to maintain that special bond between themselves and nature. Moon Run Ranch is the perfect place to retire any well-loved special friend. Sweet Pea, a 28 year old retired pack mule, gave many loyal years and now lives carefree and happy at Moon Run Ranch. For information and boarding reservations please call Holly McClain at 970-923-3244. ![]() PROFESSIONAL CARE & EDUCATION PROGRAMS The Saint Francis Pet Foundation sponsored a education seminar for Chicagoland veterinarians and their staff titled Euthanasia and Grief: Compassion and Caring, the Role of the Veterinarian and the Practice. Julia Brannan DVM, and certified counselor Dana Durrance from the Argus Institute of Colorado State University hosted the seminar at Hamburger University, McDonalds Campus, Oak Brook, Illinois. Donations made towards this cause fund veterinary and public education seminars on new techniques that strengthen the Human/Companion Pet bond.
On behalf of the Saint Francis Pet Foundation, We thank you for your support! |
NATIONAL CRISIS OF PET OVERPOPULATION Pet Overpopulation Every day in the United States thousands of puppies and kittens are born because of the uncontrolled breeding of pets. Add to that number the offspring of stray and abandoned companion animals, and the total becomes even more stunning. Every year, between 5 and 11 million dogs and cats enter U.S. shelters; some 5-7 million of these animals are euthanized because there are not enough homes for them. Too many companion animals competing for too few good homes is the most obvious consequence of uncontrolled breeding. However, there are other equally tragic problems that result from pet overpopulation: the transformation of some animal shelters into “warehouses,” the acceptance of cruelty to animals in our society, and the stress that compassionate shelter workers suffer when they are forced to euthanize one animal after the other. Such disregard for animal life erodes our culture. Abandoned and stray companion animals that survive in the streets pose a health threat to humans and other animals. Homeless companion animals get into trash containers, defecate in public areas or on private lawns, and anger citizens who have no understanding of their needs. Pet Overpopulation Forecasts
All figures are estimates of the Saint Francis Pet Foundation |
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